Gartree FAQ

Gartree High School have today (13/1/15) emailed out the following update to their FAQ on the age range consultation 

"Questions and Answers about Age Range Change at Gartree High School

1.    Will there be a place for my child at Gartree if my primary school is not ready for 2016?
Yes, we are very happy to accommodate Year 6 pupils until your primary school is ready. This will ensure a smooth transition to the proposed new system.

2.    Can my child still transfer to another school at the end of Year 9 if they are currently at Gartree High School?
Yes, as is currently the case, should your child wish to change schools at any time you would be eligible to apply for a school transfer.

3.    What will be the 6th form provision in Oadby?
This is an important question. Our proposal is based on the principle of Gartree High School becoming an 11-16 school. The sixth form provider in our area is Beauchamp College. We support maintaining or expanding the sixth form places available for the young people of Oadby and the surrounding area.

4.    Will my child have a guaranteed place at Gartree if the Planned Admission Number (PAN) is reduced to 155 places?
All children currently at Gartree High School will be guaranteed a place in the future. From 2016 we propose a planned admission number of 155. This number would allow us to maintain our current school size. We believe that this has many benefits for young people, including class size, distinct year groups, a personal approach and recognition of the unique achievements and contributions made by the individual.

5.    Will the GCSE subject range and curriculum choices be as varied at Gartree High School as it is with other providers?
Our core curriculum offer will be in line with the national provision offered by other schools. Our option offer will be broad and balanced. Analysing the option choices our pupils have made in the last three years, shows us we can certainly meet their needs and provide a sufficiently broad choice.

6.    What training will the teachers need to deliver GCSE courses?
Our staff are well qualified and experienced secondary school teachers. They are already preparing for the upcoming exam reform that will affect all schools. We are confident that we will maintain our high standards in Year 10 and Year 11. Many of our teachers have extensive experience of teaching GCSE and A Level experience within upper schools and 11-18 schools. We have been mindful of potential change for some time, and this has been reflected in our staff recruitment in recent years.

7.    What enrichment opportunities will be available?
We currently have a great range of enrichment and extra-curricular opportunities at our school. We would be planning age-appropriate experiences and activities for students at KS3 and KS4. This would include Duke of Edinburgh Award, links with universities, in depth careers advice and appropriate educational visits and expeditions.

8.    I have a child in Year 5 with a place at Gartree in 2015, and also a child currently at Gartree High School in Year 7. What will happen to the transport arrangements we currently have?
The local authority is responsible for transport policy. Given the current policy and the transitional arrangements available, both of your children will continue to get transport provided to Gartree High School. Should you choose to transfer schools this may be lost.

9.    Does my child have to stay at Gartree High School?
No, it is possible to apply for transfer to another school at any time. However, should your child give up their place at Gartree High School we cannot guarantee a place should they wish to return.

10.    What does Gartree High School offer?
Gartree High School is proud of its tradition of putting pupils at the heart of their learning. We offer a caring, respectful and supportive experience for our pupils and place great importance on our ability to build close and personal relationships between staff and pupils. We would enable students to have continuity of education from 11-16, without the need to move schools during KS3. This will ensure a closer match of the KS3 and KS4 experiences leading to improved outcomes at KS4. We aim to improve the educational outcomes for all students by building on our close relationship with students and an understanding of their strengths, so that there is a smooth transition into KS4. This personal and responsive approach is at the heart of what we offer. The outstanding progress currently made by pupils during their time at Gartree will be extended to Year 10 and Year 11.

11.    Can Gartree High School become an 11-18 school? / I feel forced to send my children to Beauchamp College to secure a place for A levels? What can you do?
We are proposing Gartree High School becomes an 11-16 school in the future. We want our pupils to have a broad range of options for post-16 provision, including the option to attend the local College. If our pupils did not have the option of a high quality, academic sixth form, then we would work in collaboration with Manor High School to explore all possibilities to provide the sixth form our students need. However, at this stage of consultation we must ensure that we respond through the appropriate channels to ensure a large 6th form is preserved.

12. Why can’t Beauchamp and Gartree merge?
Gartree High School has a strong ethos that is unique to our school. It is based on our core values and creates a harmonious, safe environment in which young people learn, thrive, and develop into young adults.

Our governing body and staff focus entirely on the needs of Gartree High School. We are not proposing to merge with Beauchamp College because we do not wish to be part of a school of 3,000 pupils. In addition, we wish to maintain our autonomy and not join the Lionheart Multi Academy Trust which includes schools from beyond the Oadby area. We want all our energy and attention to be focused on the pupils who attend Gartree High School.

Information about our proposal can be found at us/gartree-high-school-age-range-change-consultation "