Email Your MP

We think that emailing or writing to your MP may be one of the best ways to make your views known to someone who can influence what happens to our schools.

Suggested Points

Template letters might not be the best way to get your views across. Your MP is more likely to think that this is an important issue if they receive lots of varied letters. However we have been asked for some points that you could include:
  • The current system produces excellent GCSE and A Level results;
  • Increase in traffic caused by more out-of catchment pupils and reduced free bus services from Thurnby, Bushby, Scraptoft and Houghton;
  • Concerns about managing change for current pupils, particularly those currently in Year 5.
  • Cost to taxpayer of changes;
  • MPs are responsible - the Academies legislation removed council powers from schools. Now the schools are competing against each other with uncoordinated, chaotic plans. It is up to our elected representative in Westminster to help sort it out.
If you aren't sure who your MP is, visit Parliament's web site and enter your postcode.

Edward Garnier MP (Con, Harborough) covers Oadby.
Alan Duncan MP (Con, Rutland and Melton) covers Houghton, Thurnby, Bushby and Scraptoft.